Cinema program "Kobieta sukcesu" in Kraków
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"Kobieta sukcesu"
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Runtime: 105 min.
Production: Polska , 2018
Category: comedy / romance
Release Date: 8 March 2018
Distribution: Next Film
Directed by: Robert Wichrowski
Cast: Agnieszka Więdłocha, Julia Wieniawa, Mikołaj Roznerski
The main character is Mańka (Agnieszka Więdłocha), the head of the company in the big city, whose life suddenly turns upside down. Her business is a victim of unfair competition, the relationship with Norbert (Mikołaj Roznerski) is going through a crisis, and under the door of the apartment, a woman finds Lilka (Julia Wieniawa), a younger sister personifying chaos, so alien to the perfect Manka. In her life - thanks to the dog and the case - also comes Piotr (Bartosz Gelner), who despite himself and despite a series of misunderstandings seems to attract. As a successful career woman, Mańka does not intend to give up and focuses on fighting for the survival of the company and unmasking cheaters! Will he lose his sister's friendship and chance for something new? "Woman of Success" is a light and perverse romantic comedy about the fact that when it would seem that we have lost everything, we really get the most valuable from fate.

Movie trailer: Kobieta sukcesu
Your comments
dno i metr mułu
Dretwa komedia. Nie doczekałam konca. Wyszlam z kina. Szacun dla wytrwałych
Fajny, lekki, przyjemny,
ładny ... polski filmek :)
Na wieczór do
odstresowania się.
Prosta, mało ambitna fabuła. Trudno było wysiedzieć do końca... nuda.
Kolejna udana polska komedia o zniewieściałych facetach. Co za moda! Może w tej Warszawie tak mają?
całkiem sympatyczny film, Więdłocha fajnie zagrała
Byłem, widziałem, poczciwa polska komedia, panowie idealna na Dzień Kobiet :)