Cinema program "Brothers of the Wind" in Kraków
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"Brothers of the Wind"
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Runtime: 98 min.
Production: Austria , 2015
Category: drama / family / adventure
Release Date: 13 May 2016
Distribution: Monolith
Directed by: Gerardo Olivares, Otmar Penker
Cast: Jean Reno, Tobias Moretti, Manuel Camacho
Realized using the most modern techniques of film and operator tale of friendship between a boy with a wild eagle.
The film emerged several years to the fate of a wild animal show with unprecedented realism. The first shots were implemented when the chick beginning to appear from the egg, then followed the development of growing up in the wild eagle.
No one has come close to the camera to wild eagles as filmmakers. As a result, the viewer will have an extraordinary impression participate in the fate of wild characters, and see for yourself inaccessible to people where they are living.
The protagonist is living in a mountainous area boy named Lukas, which is located in the forest wounded eagle chick. Lukas decides to heal his broken wings and learn to live in the wilderness. The task is very difficult, because the boy's father did not approve of his plans, and the eagle is at first very wary. With time, however, the relationship with Lukas wild animal turns into an extraordinary friendship and leads to fascinating adventures. A great support to Lukas is the mysterious Danzer (Jean Reno), who, like no one else knows the habits of wild animals and opens up a boy their unusual world.

Movie trailer: Brothers of the Wind
Your comments
Zdecydowanie polecam.Moj 6letni syn byl bardzo wzruszony.Pieknie oopowiedziana historia o przyjazni.Jako mama zdecydowanie wwole zeby moje dzieci poznawaly historie niz halasliwe i przepelnione agresja bajki.
Scenariusz bez pomysłu, lektor wypowiadający kwestie Jeana Reno zupełnie nietrafiony, muzyka nie istnieje. Niemniej dzieciom się podobało. Lepsze takie kino przyrodnicze niż wiele innych produkcji dla najmłodszych.
Raczej ze starszymi dziećmi (8 i więcej lat) zainteresowanymi przyrodą - inaczej będą się nudzić. Nie zauważyłam złamanego skrzydła ani niechęci ojca do planów chłopca (nie znał ich, przecież)- może recenzent widział inny film - bo tego z pewnością jeszcze nie, zachęcam (?)