Cinema program "Ucitelka" in Kraków
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Runtime: 102 min.
Production: Słowacja/Czechy , 2016
Category: comedy / drama
Release Date: 10 February 2017
Distribution: Aurora Films
Directed by: Jan Hrebejk
Cast: Zuzana Mauréry, Zuzana Konecná, Csongor Kassai
"Teacher" is a poignant, though not without humorous study of the Czech mentality of the communist era. In the film, the head of the role playing phenomenal Zuzana Mauréry.
The arrival of a new teacher to a suburban school in Bratislava 1983 turns upside down the life of the local community. Mária Drazdechová from the beginning seems to manipulate the students and their parents. After the suicide attempt of one of the pupils director institution intends to assign a troublesome teacher. For this purpose, however, parents must sign the petition. The problem is that Drazdechová has far-reaching connections in the Communist Party. Is provincials will be able to fight for it, what they believe in?

Movie trailer: Ucitelka
Your comments
Fantastyczny film! Genialne,inteligentne kino! Wybierzcie się koniecznie!!!