
Lof mer ad falla

Directed by: Baldvin Zophoniasson

Cinema program "Lof mer ad falla" in Kraków

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Original title: Lof mer ad falla
Runtime: 136 min.
Production: Islandia/Finlandia/Niemcy , 2018
Release Date: 23 August 2019
Distribution: Bomba Film

Directed by: Baldvin Zophoniasson
Cast: Elin Sif Halldorsdottir, Eyrun Bjork Jakobsdottir, Lara Johanna Jonsdottir

Fact-based, shocking story of two women and their drug addiction. Toxic friendship, betrayal and subsequent stages of drug hell. The film is completely different from the classic stories of addicts and their families. Strong cinema that hurts.

We invite you to a retrospective of the director of this film - Baldvin Z - 9-18 August 2019 - Summer Film Academy in Zwierzyniec.

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Movie trailer: Lof mer ad falla

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