Cinema program "Tini: El gran cambio de Violetta" in Kraków
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"Tini: El gran cambio de Violetta"
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Runtime: 95 min.
Production: Włochy , 2016
Category: biography / family / adventure
Release Date: 1 July 2016
Distribution: Disney
Directed by: Juan Pablo Buscarini
Cast: Martina Stoessel, Angela Molina, Jorge Blanco
"Tini. New life Violetta "is the first feature film starring Martina" Tini "Stoessel, stars the world famous hit series" Violetta ".
The script reflects the threads of off-screen life of a young star talks about how it leaves serialowy world "Violetta" and alone embarks on a journey to Europe to rediscover each other. That's what happens when just one year, it will change both as a person and artist.
In addition to Martiny "Tini" Stoessel in production, there are also other members of the cast of "Violetta" Jorge Blanco, Mercedes Lambre and Clara Alonso.
The project, directed by Juan Pablo Buscarini will also participate award-winning Spanish actress Angela Molina, who has had roles in the films greatest artists such as Pedro Almodovar and Ridley Scott.

Movie trailer: Tini: El gran cambio de Violetta
Your comments
film super... godny polecenia, w kilku scenach można się popłakać :( naprawdę super <3
Film jest doskonały. Piosenki piękne, koniec filmu jest po prostu cudowny, efekty genialne!Pokazuje też sytuację panującą w show biznesie. Pogoń za plotką, sensacją, rozpad związku w wyniku intrygi. Byłam pod ogromnym wrażeniem!
Bardzo fajne . Suuuuperr(;
to jest super.polecam